Advisory Board


The mission of the George Washington University (GW) Health Care Quality (HCQ) Advisory Board, an independent advisory body, is to build and foster partnerships between educators, researchers, employers and the community to ensure the clinical research program is participant focused, successful and meaningful. The primary aims of the HCQ Advisory Board members are to (1) provide information on industry practices by participating in some strategic thinking and direction-setting for the program; and (2) provide input to the HCQ program curriculum to ensure that it effectively incorporates essential skills that meet current business needs and industry standards.

Advisory Board Roles and Responsibilities

The role of the HCQ Advisory Board Member is to provide professional expertise to support the GW HCQ graduate curriculum with periodic reviews and updates and to identify best practice standards that contribute to the GW HCQ graduate curriculum learning objectives and competencies. Members will serve as expert ambassadors to the educational program, providing a connective force and ongoing exchange of information and ideas with members of a broader society.

Current Membership

The HCQ Advisory Board is comprised of distinguished professionals and faculty. Below is a list of our current Advisory Board Members:

  • Sabrina Figueiredo
  • Tyneshia Harris
  • Kenneth Nanni
  • Deirdre Mccaughey
  • Pravith Nambiar